Meet-Phillip Williamson

Past Mistakes

Years later, Phillip was still plagued by credit errors from his background.


Phillip's credit was finally cleared after the majority of the bad things that had been on it for a while were eliminated.

Repair Credit Score by getting our Services

Phillip informed us when he first registered that he had messed up in college since he didn't take his credit seriously. He experienced a couple charge-offs, missed payments, and ultimately collections. Now that he is a working professional, he is losing money each month by having to pay higher interest rates on his home and auto loans. Despite the fact that his prior misdeeds were behind him, the marks on his credit weren't. Phillip believed that his credit report would be cleared after paying off the obligations. Sadly, things don't operate that way, which is why he turned to us for assistance. Phillip gained peace of mind and a clear slate by having the majority of the previous negative material removed from his credit report and having the statute of limitations on other debts pointed out. This simple peace of mind—not having a cloud from your past accompany you every day—has changed your life.